Award winning global reservation system

57 Awards Says it All

  • 2024 Global Tourism Awards
    Best OTA
  • 2024 IITM Bengaluru
    Travel Trade Partnership Award
  • 2023 Arabian Travel Awards
    Best Travel Booking Platform
  • 2023 World Travel Tech Awards
    Asia's Best B2B Travel Provider
  • 2023 World Travel Tech Awards
    India's Best B2B Travel Provider
  • 2023 IITM Bengaluru
    Best International Travel Product
  • 2023 TTF Bengaluru
    Most Innovative Product Award
  • 2023 TTF Chennai
    Most Innovative Product Award
  • 2022 Arabian Travel Awards
    Best Travel Booking Platform
  • 2022 Arabian Travel Awards
    Mr. Jaal Shah
    DDP Game Changer
  • 2022 World Travel Tech Awards
    Asia's Best B2B Travel Provider
  • 2022 World Travel Tech Awards
    India's Best B2B Travel Provider
  • 2022 Web Marketing Association
    Outstanding Portal B2B, Travel Standard of Excellence
  • 2021 World Travel Tech Awards
    Asia's Best B2B Travel Provider
  • 2020 World Travel Awards
    Asia's Leading B2B Travel Provider
  • 2020 World Travel Awards
    India’s Leading B2B Travel Provider
  • 2020 OTM
    Best B2B Online Travel Company
  • 2020 BLTM
    Award for Excellence
  • 2019 World Travel Awards
    Asia's Leading B2B Travel Provider
  • 2019 World Travel Awards
    India’s Leading B2B Travel Provider
  • 2019 TTF Ahmedabad
    Most Innovative Product Award
  • 2019 TTF Mumbai
    Most Innovative Product Award
  • 2019 IITM
    Travel Technology Product of The Year
  • 2019 TTF
    Award of Excellence
  • 2019 OTM
    India's Top 100 Travel Producers Award
  • 2018 International Travel Awards
    India's Best Online Travel Agency
  • 2018 World Travel Awards

    World’s Leading B2B Travel Provider
  • 2018 Travel Weekly Magellan Awards
    Travel Agent Only Website
  • 2018 Travel Tech Middle East Awards
    Leading Travel B2B Player
  • 2018 IITM
    Online Travel Product of the Year
  • 2018 UAE's Choice
  • 2018 UBM
    India’s Most Preferred Travel & Tourism Brands
  • 2018 The CEO Magazine

    Certificate of Excellence
  • 2017 Web Marketing Association

    B2B Standard of Excellence
  • 2017 Travel Weekly Magellan Awards
    Online Travel Services | Booking Interface
  • 2017 World Leadership Federation
    Middle East Asia Leadership Award
  • 2016 Silicon India Magazine
    Brand of the Year
  • 2016 URS
    Asia's Greatest Brands
  • 2016 CIOReview India
    Product of the Year
  • 2016 TTJ Jury Choice Award
    Innovative Edge In Future Ready Technology
  • 2016 OTM
    India's Top 100 Travel Producers Award
  • 2015 URS
    The World’s Greatest Brands - Asia & GCC
  • 2015 IITM
    Online Travel Product of the Year
  • 2015 OTM
    India's Top 100 Travel Producers Award
  • 2015 Inc. India Innovation Awards

    Certificate of Excellence
  • 2014 ITA (North Region)

    Best Online Travel Product - B2B
  • 2014 Travel Weekly Magellan Awards
    Online Travel Services
  • 2014 Web Marketing Association

    Outstanding Portal B2B (Outstanding Website)
  • 2014 Mena Travel Awards

    Outstanding Achievement in Travel Technology
  • 2014 Leadership Excellence Awards Federation
    CEO of the Year - OTA
  • 2013 Web Marketing Association
    Outstanding Portal B2B
  • 2013 IITM
    Enterprising Travel Agent Award
  • 2013 OTM
    Award for Excellence
  • 2012 IITM
    Best Online Travel Product
  • 2012 IITM
    Buyers Choice Award for B2B Interactions
  • 2012 IITM
    Online Travel Product of the Year
  • 2011 TNH
    Most Outstanding Online Travel Portal B2B